Ensuring flawless installation of windows and doors is essential for any home, especially those with stucco exteriors. Accurate measurements are crucial to prevent any potential energy loss caused by gaps. Even the smallest error can lead to poorly insulated interiors and increased utility expenses as heating and cooling systems work harder to maintain a comfortable environment.

Precise Measurements Equal Home Energy Savings

The skill and experience during installation is crucial for ensuring the durability and effectiveness of windows and doors.  Having a deep understanding of materials and the structural framework of home building, enables construction contractors to customize each window or door for optimal performance. Having the right expertise is essential, especially when it comes to stucco exteriors. The installation process can be quite intricate and requires specialized knowledge to ensure that the material doesn't get damaged.

Poor Stucco Sealing Can Cause Water Damage and Mold

Addressing water damage and preventing mold growth cannot be emphasized enough. When it comes to stucco homes, the sealing process goes beyond simply installing windows or doors. It's all about creating a strong, waterproof seal that keeps moisture out of the walls. If not sealed correctly, water infiltration can occur, resulting in the development of mold and other structural damages that can affect the health of the residents and the overall integrity of the building. Therefore, hiring a professional for installation is not just a personal preference, but a way to protect against potential expensive problems down the line.

Expert Installation Ensures Durability and Functionality 

Professional installation is vital for the lifetime and effectiveness of windows and doors. Our expert installers have the experience and training to handle a variety of windows, doors, and home exteriors, especially stucco. Our team follows precise, detailed installation processes for many reasons. The right installation and repair from our services use high-quality sealing and insulation materials. Our experts use high-quality sealing, insulation materials, weather stripping and caulking solutions that work with the materials and the local Utah climate. An impermeable seal between indoor and outdoor environments requires these materials and their proper installation.

Through our decades of experience, appropriate tools, and attention to detail, our professional installation of windows and doors helps in retaining their aesthetic appeal, ensuring they function as intended, and extending their overall lifespan. If you need construction repair or exterior remodeling for your windows and doors give RAM Builders Stucco & Exteriors a call.

Swapping out old windows for new ones goes beyond just enhancing the appearance; it also boosts the energy efficiency and safety of your home. When it comes to aesthetics, windows act as the eyes of the house, offering a peek into the property's style and upkeep. Practically speaking, they function as shields from the elements, providers of comfort, and guardians of safety for us. Improving the energy efficiency or aesthetics of a home can be a driving force behind choosing to replace older windows.

Signs of Aging: How to Recognize When Windows Are Past Their Prime

Windows not only show their age in terms of appearance, but also in terms of how well they work. Signs of inefficiency include condensation between double panes, noticeable drafts, deteriorated frames, and difficulty opening or closing the window. Another indication is when you have trouble opening or closing the window. There is a chance that the effectiveness in preventing the elements from entering and allowing comfort to enter may decrease, leading one to think about upgrading.

The Impact of Water Damage: Windows Can Be Compromised by Moisture

Moisture poses a silent threat to the integrity of windows. As time goes by, water damage may start to show through twisted frames, peeling paint, or the growth of mold. These issues can weaken the building and pose health risks. If these issues are caught early on, it can help avoid extensive damage to both the windows and the interior areas they safeguard.

Energy Efficiency Boost: Newer Windows Can Significantly Lower Energy Bills

Opting for energy-efficient windows can lead to significant savings on your monthly energy bills. Installing new windows in a home can help create a more comfortable environment year-round and lower utility costs. Various advanced technologies like double or triple glazing, inert gas fills, and low-emissivity (low-E) coatings are integrated into their design to enhance their performance.

Additional Benefits include Soundproofing and Security

One often overlooked benefit of modern windows is their ability to enhance the security and tranquility of a home. Enhanced locking mechanisms and tougher glass choices enhance home security, while better sealing technology and strong frames reduce external noise.

There are many benefits to replacing windows, such as improved appearance, reduced upkeep, energy cost savings, greater comfort, and improved safety. Installing windows made with modern technology is more than just a renovation; it's a long-term investment in your home.

Windows are often an overlooked upgrade, but they shouldn’t be. Windows are like the eyes of your home, welcoming in visitors and bringing openness and light into your space. It’s shocking how much windows can do to the look of your home, and many customers are surprised to see the dramatic improvement when their project is complete. Here are eight reasons to upgrade your home’s eyes:

  1. Helps with curb appeal – Boost your curb appeal by replacing old, outdated, and unattractive windows with new, contemporary, clear windows. This is even more important if you have broken windows, which screams deferred maintenance to all who drive by. New windows are worth the investment just for the curb appeal boost alone.
  2. Increase energy efficiency – Get rid of draftiness and air leaks with new, energy-efficient windows. Not only will it feel nicer in your home, but you’ll save money on heating and cooling bills throughout the year. And, bonus, they’re better for the environment because you’re not wasting energy on cooling/heating the neighborhood.
  3. Control outside noise – If you’ve ever lived in an older home on a busy street with original, single-paned windows, you know how loud it can be inside. New windows are designed with noise-control features and make a world of difference to the peace and quiet inside your home.
  4. Enjoy the new view – Even if you clean old windows often, they are likely still covered with scratches, foggy sections, or hard-to-remove dirt. New windows will be clear and bright and makes the view of the outside world much more beautiful. Often, new windows will make the space feel bigger because of the natural light streaming in.
  5. Increase security – Break-ins are generally easier with older windows. New windows are stronger and can come with double locks and interlocks to maximize safety. Intruders will have a harder time breaking high-impact resistant glass on modern windows.
  6. Safer and easier to use – New windows have many options. Some have a tilt-in feature or easy-removal capabilities so cleaning them becomes a breeze. They’re also easier to get open in case of emergencies such as a house fire. (Don’t worry – we mean easier to get out of the house, but not so much for an intruder to get in.)
  7. More comfortable indoors – Newer windows will make a drastic difference in the temperature of your home, especially if you’re going from very old single-paned windows. If you replace your windows and still feel unusual draftiness, you may need thermal imaging services to see what else is going on.
  8. Adds value to your home – Whether you plan to sell your home or not, new windows will add value to your home’s worth. And if you are planning to list your home, many realtors and appraisers will suggest replacing windows if they’re outdated enough because buyers will likely ask for replacements as a concession in their offer.

Window replacement may not be the most inexpensive choice, but the benefits pack a punch. For the highest quality work, trust in RAM Builders Stucco & Exteriors.

There are numerous ways to improve your home, and two areas that provide a great return on investment are upgrading windows and upgrading exterior doors. These enhancements are beneficial for anyone looking to improve the aesthetic of their home as well as efficiency. It’s easy to paint your front door, and that can be an appealing and quick update, but if your door is old, it may be letting out a lot of air from your home. A common dad line is: “I’m not paying to cool down (or heat up) the entire neighborhood!” but that’s what a lot of homes are doing without us realizing it.

Benefits of Door Upgrades

Leaking doors don’t always need to be replaced. Sometimes they can be fixed with the proper application of tools and professional installation. For example, a metal or vinyl door pan can be added below a door threshold to reduce drafting or water infiltration possibilities. After the appropriate fixes, RAM Builders can paint or stain the door to make it look beautiful as well as function efficiently. Installing a new door may be needed for many reasons ranging from security needs to design desires. Three-point locking systems are common on newer doors, providing peace of mind to your family.

Over time, sliding doors can become stiff, making them hard to open and close. Large sliding glass doors that are single pane let out a lot of air from the inside of your home, making them very inefficient. Upgrading to a high-quality sliding door will reduce frustrations and will save you money immediately. Mother Nature will thank you, too. Your doors get a lot of wear and tear, making it one area that you don’t want to cut corners.

Benefits of Window Upgrades

Windows are a valuable upgrade for any home of any age. Older homes with original windows likely have resources constantly flowing out of the glass wasting your hard-earned money. Additionally, your home may sound louder with the inefficient windows letting in outside noises. New windows have a lot of benefits that go beyond efficiency and looks. They improve the comfort in your home by preventing drafts and excess dust to seep in and they can be easier to clean with a number of upgraded design options. Plus, they also make it a more pleasant experience for you to look outside while watching the weather roll by or the kids play in the yard. Many older homes have small windows, making the inside of the home feel dark. We can expand those windows creating much-desired light and openness for your home.

Window companies are common around Utah, but don’t get taken advantage of. You want to pick a reputable and experienced company to ensure your windows are installed correctly and in a timely fashion. Often, it’s not the cheapest or fastest option you want, especially when it comes to an important upgrade like this. RAM Builders can update and upgrade anything the outside of your home needs. No matter the size of the job, call us today for a free assessment and quote.

Missing or improperly installed window flashing can cause major problems. Most of these problems go undetected for many years. When we are finally called out to the job, it is often too late…..

We see mold and organic growth in the driest desert climates. Trapped water in the wall system of a wood framed structure can cause significant damage.

Using window flashing is a must, but installing it properly is even more important. The flashing at the top of this window is directing water right into the home.

No window flashing was used on this home. No window leaking, no stucco cracks, just a musty smell inside the home.


American Architectural Manufacturers Associationexterior home remodel and repair contractorHome Builders AssociationMember NFIBAWCI member