Ensuring the durability of buildings is of utmost importance in multi-family units and HOA (Homeowners Association) communities. An essential part of this maintenance involves thoroughly examining the building envelope, which acts as a protective barrier separating the inside and outside of a structure. Thorough inspections of the building envelope are crucial in detecting any potential construction issues that may result in significant and expensive damages, especially in relation to the roof, stucco siding, and window seals.

Stucco & Siding Inspections

Stucco siding is a favored option for numerous properties because of its long-lasting nature and attractive appearance. Nevertheless, issues with stucco application or upkeep can result in significant water damage. It's important to address any small cracks or gaps in the stucco to prevent water from seeping in and causing potential damage underneath.Stains or discoloration on the stucco surface may suggest water infiltration and potential mold growth. When stucco starts to bulge or bubble, it could indicate the presence of water trapped behind the surface. Identifying these signs early on with the help of expert inspections can effectively stop the growth of mold, rot, and structural problems. 

Window Seals Need To Be Thoroughly Sealed

Another frequent issue that can cause water damage is faulty window seals. Moisture build-up between panes of double-glazed windows can indicate a broken seal, causing issues with the window. Noticing drafts around windows can indicate that the seals may not be working properly. When you notice water stains on your walls or around your window frames, it's a clear indication that there may be an issue with the seals allowing water to seep in. When window seals fail, water can seep into the surrounding walls, leading to potential damage to insulation, framing, and interior finishes. Dealing with these concerns in a timely manner is essential for preserving the structural soundness of the building. 

Roof Inspections for Common Problems

Roofing problems often arise in multi-family and HOA properties. Visible water stains on ceilings or walls can be clear indicators of a leaking roof. It is important to address any issues with the roof, such as missing, cracked, or curled shingles, as they can lead to water damage. When a roof deck begins to sag, it is usually a sign of significant water damage and potential structural issues. Hidden water damage beneath the surface of a roof can be quite sneaky, often remaining undetected until substantial damage has already taken place. Regular inspections are crucial for identifying potential issues early on, which helps prevent costly repairs and ensures the safety of residents. 

Working With Professional Building Envelope Inspectors

Identifying construction defects at an early stage can result in significant cost savings for property owners and managers. If water damage is not addressed promptly, it can lead to more serious issues like the growth of mold, damage to the structure, and a decline in indoor air quality. These problems not only demand expensive fixes but can also pose health hazards for residents, causing worries about liability for property owners.

A proactive property management strategy uses building envelope inspectors. Advanced technologies and techniques help these professionals find concealed flaws that the untrained eye cannot. A thorough maintenance plan for multi-family units and HOA communities should include regular inspections to identify and resolve any issues before they become major difficulties.

Dry rot is a form of wood decay that occurs when specific types of fungi consume the structural components of the wood, compromising its strength and rigidity. It is notorious for its ability to silently weaken wooden structures without any apparent external indications. Utah's specific climate conditions, characterized by high altitude and extreme weather changes, can potentially lead to the growth of dry rot when wood is exposed to moisture.Typically, dry rot tends to develop in areas where water seeps into the house. As the fungus matures, it causes the lumber to shrink and develop cracks.

Early Detection: The Visual Cues of Dry Rot Behind Exterior Surfaces

It is important for homeowners to regularly inspect the exterior surfaces for any signs of damage, such as darker wood or cracks and crumbling. Changes in texture or a spongy feel when touched can be signs of wood that has been affected by dry rot. In addition, if you notice paint or finishes that have an uneven appearance, with areas of bubbling or flaking, it could indicate the possibility of dry rot underneath.

Window damage caused by poor installation flashing can be observed at the lower corners of the windows and then extends outward. In some instances, the entire wall area beneath the window may be severely decayed. Decay As a result of kick-out flashing or step flashings that have  improperly constructed connections between eave to wall, eave to roof, or roof to wall, are a frequent issue.

The Risks of Overlooking Dry Rot During Seasonal Inspections

Overlooking these indicators during routine inspections can result in more significant harm. Dry rot has the ability to rapidly spread and can even travel through non-wood materials to reach other wooden structures. Failure to address dry rot can have serious consequences, such as compromising the stability of your home and incurring substantial expenses for intricate repairs or replacements. Homeowners must remain vigilant and proactive in order to safeguard their homes from this widespread problem.

Prior to commencing any construction repairs for a wet wall issue, it is crucial for homeowners to identify the source of water leakage and carry out the necessary repairs to prevent any potential issues in the future. Hiring a professional home exterior contractor will speed up the process of determining trouble areas and making sure leaks don’t recur. Even after fixing the water source (the leak), the fungus responsible for dry rot will still persist. This fungus has the remarkable ability to withstand various environmental conditions by remaining inactive during periods of excessive moisture or drought. When the moisture level in the wood reaches the optimal range, the dry rot will resume its growth.

Stucco has always been highly respected for its ability to provide both visual appeal and long-lasting protection to any home. Its attractiveness has stood the test of time, and it has always been loved by people. As the icy pull of winter begins to relax its grip and is replaced by the vivacious spirit of spring, homeowners frequently shift their focus to renewing their living spaces through the implementation of interesting home improvement projects. Not only can a stucco makeover that is well executed improve the aesthetic appeal of your property, but it may also strengthen its protection against the weather.

Evaluating Your Home's Exterior for Springtime Stucco Repairs

Spring is an ideal time to evaluate any necessary stucco repairs, as it provides the perfect climate to maintain the durability and aesthetic appeal of your home's façade. Seasonal temperature changes can result in expansion and contraction, which can occasionally lead to cracks or deterioration in stucco. An extensive examination can uncover areas that may require focus, preventing small flaws from escalating into significant structural issues.

Cracking is a highly noticeable indication of stucco damage. Although small hairline cracks are quite common and usually not a cause for concern, it's important to be aware of larger and deeper cracks. These can be a sign of more significant problems like structural movement or improper installation.

Trending Stucco Textures and Colors for the Season

Enhancing your home's landscaping with stucco updates involves creating a seamless integration of textures, colors, and design elements that elevate the beauty of both the natural and man-made aspects of your property. Blend the lines and patterns of your stucco seamlessly with the landscaping. For example, horizontal stucco bands can mirror the linear shape of a well-maintained garden, while swirls and other abstract textures can enhance the look of more organic planting arrangements.

With the help of modern technology, you can achieve a wide range of finishes, ranging from smooth and sleek to rugged and rustic. The color choices for this season encompass earthy shades that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, along with vibrant and eye-catching hues that can make your home truly distinctive within your community. 

When it comes to bringing these stucco renovations to life, hiring the right professionals is absolutely essential. It's crucial to find highly skilled craftsmen with extensive experience in stucco application and repair. Prioritizing their qualifications, checking references from previous projects, and ensuring they are licensed and insured should be your main focus. Inquiring about their knowledge of current trends and materials can give you a better understanding of their expertise and their ability to achieve the desired outcome for your home renovation.

The construction of stucco exterior homes in Utah has faced various challenges over the years, resulting in some notable failures. For experienced working professionals in the construction, real estate, and home inspection industries, understanding these failures is crucial for ensuring the longevity and safety of stucco homes. Here's a detailed look at some of the worst construction failures that have compromised Utah's stucco homes:

1. Improper Stucco Application: One of the foremost construction failures observed in Utah is the incorrect application of stucco. Skilled application is critical to prevent cracking and delamination, but when inexperienced laborers fail to apply the stucco correctly, it can lead to significant structural issues.

2. Insufficient Curing Time: Stucco needs adequate time to cure to gain its intended durability. In several instances, subsequent construction stages were rushed, not allowing the stucco to cure properly, compromising the structural integrity of the walls.

3. Lack of Moisture Barriers: Another failure in Utah's stucco homes has been the omission of proper moisture barriers. In the absence of these barriers, water infiltration has caused damage such as mold and wood rot within the wall systems.

4. Inadequate Seam and Joint Treatment: The seams and joints of stucco walls require careful sealing to prevent water intrusion. Some Utah homes have seen severe damage due to poor treatment of these crucial areas, resulting in costly repairs.

5. Neglecting Expansion Joints: Stucco expansion joints are essential to accommodate the natural expansion and contraction of the material. Failure to include these joints has led to unsightly and damaging cracks in numerous homes.

6. Incorrect Stucco Thickness: The thickness of the stucco is essential to its performance. Both excessively thin and too thick applications have been observed, leading to chipping, cracking, and other forms of deterioration.

7. Substandard Flashing Installation: Flashing is crucial for directing water away from vulnerable areas of a home. In numerous Utah homes, improper flashing installation has led to water damage and stucco failure.

8. Overlooking Proper Drainage: Inadequate drainage systems can spell disaster for stucco homes. Without proper drainage, water can collect and seep into walls, causing extensive damage over time.

9. Compromised Structural Framing: Some stucco homes in Utah have suffered because of compromised structural framing, which affects the stucco's adherence and can lead to significant structural concerns.

10. Negligent Maintenance: Like all exterior home finishes, stucco requires regular maintenance. Homeowners who have neglected this upkeep have faced the deterioration of their stucco homes at an accelerated rate.

For professionals involved in stucco home construction and maintenance, awareness and proactive measures can prevent these failures from occurring, ensuring the longevity and quality of Utah's stucco exterior homes.

In the heart of winter, Utah's landscape transforms into a picturesque scene right out of a holiday card. But beneath the calm, frosty exterior, the season's icy grip poses a tangible threat to the durability of stucco exteriors on homes throughout the state. The distinct properties of stucco, while ideal for handling the arid climate of Utah, encounter unique challenges when the temperatures plummet.

How the Freeze-Thaw Cycle Affects Stucco

One of the prime factors that compromises stucco during cold periods is the freeze-thaw cycle. This cycle begins when water permeates the porous surface of the stucco and then expands upon freezing, causing microfractures to form within the material. Repeated freezing and thawing can exacerbate these cracks, eventually leading to significant structural damage if left unaddressed.

Preventive Measures and Timely Maintenance Tips

To shield stucco from the harsh winter elements, homeowners are advised to engage in preventive measures. Proper maintenance includes sealing any visible cracks with a high-quality sealant to prevent water ingress. Keeping gutters and drainage systems clean and functional ensures that excess water is directed away from the stucco walls, reducing the risk of water seeping in and freezing.

Regular inspections, especially after a snowfall or freeze event, can be pivotal in identifying potential issues early on. If smaller patches of damage are spotted, quick repairs may forestall more extensive deterioration. Furthermore, homeowners may consider consulting with professionals who can assess the stucco and apply advanced protective coatings that repel water and enhance the barriers against the cycle of freezing and thawing.

Ultimately, the longevity of stucco siding in Utah's winter hinges on vigilance and proactivity. By understanding the vulnerabilities of stucco to winter's whims and employing strategic measures, homeowners can maintain the aesthetic charm and structural integrity of their stucco homes even as the temperatures plunge.

When water damage strikes your home's stucco, it can turn from a tidy, protective shell to a drab, crumbly mess. However, with precise attention and care, you can revitalize your home's façade from weather-worn to wonderful. Here’s how you can transform your water-damaged stucco through effective repair and maintenance.

Firstly, assessing the extent of water damage is crucial. Look for telltale signs like discoloration, soft spots, and cracks. Tap the surface; hollow sounds may indicate deeper damage. Once you understand the damage, begin the removal process. Carefully chisel away all compromised stucco, taking care not to damage the underlying wire mesh and structural walls.

Have a Professional Apply Your New Stucco

As you prepare to apply new stucco, consider its visual impact. Stucco offers a unique aesthetic—your repair should blend seamlessly with your existing finish. Choose a stucco mix that matches your home’s current texture and style. Color matching and texturing are perhaps the most artistic parts of stucco repair. Use samples to test your color mix against the existing stucco in different lights throughout the day. For texturing, mimic the original technique used—whether it's a float finish, a dash finish, or another style. It is best to use a local professional contractor to make sure your stucco turns out right.

Stucco Durability and Lifespan

Selecting materials for stucco repair should be done with care. Professionals will use high-quality sealants and waterproof coatings designed for stucco. These products should provide flexibility to accommodate structural shifts and temperature changes while ensuring a tight seal against moisture.

After repairing, it's essential to maintain the stucco's appearance. Regularly inspect for signs of water intrusion and seal any cracks promptly. Cleaning and applying water-repellent sealants can protect the stucco and prevent future damage. With expert installation and repair, your stucco around windows and doors will be effectively waterproofed, upholding the beauty and resilience of your home against moisture-related challenges.

By following these steps, your home’s stucco will not only be restored but will also maintain its charm and durability for years to come. Give us a call at RAM Builders Stucco & Exteriors, we will ensure that your exterior stucco construction repairs are done correctly.

Stucco’s versatility and aesthetic appeal have made it a popular choice for centuries, adorning everything from ancient temples to modern homes. It’s one of the most popular materials requested in this region, and at Ram Builders Stucco & Exteriors we have your back. Over time stucco, like any other material, succumbs to wear and tear. The importance of timely stucco repair cannot be overstated—it safeguards not only the integrity of the structure but also the safety and well-being of those residing within.

One of the biggest dangers of neglecting stucco repair lies in the threat it poses to the structural stability of a building. Stucco, often used as an exterior finish, acts as a protective skin, shielding the underlying structure from the elements. When cracks and damages mar its surface, water infiltration becomes a perilous consequence. Water, seemingly innocuous, is a relentless foe. It seeps into crevices, infiltrating the very foundation of a building. Over time, this moisture weakens the structure, eroding its strength like a persistent tide wearing down cliffs of stone.

What if You Don’t Repair Stucco?

The consequences of this erosion can be catastrophic. A weakened structure is more susceptible to collapses, endangering lives and causing irreparable damage. The tragedy is not limited to the physical realm alone. The emotional and financial toll of such an event can be devastating, leaving families displaced and communities shattered.

Beyond the immediate threat to the structure, the aesthetic value of a building cannot be disregarded. Our homes are not just shelters; they are reflections of our identity, our taste, and our pride. Cracked and deteriorating stucco mars the visual appeal, diminishing the grandeur of even the most exquisite architectural designs. Timely stucco repair rejuvenates the facade, breathing life back into the building and preserving its visual allure.

The Cost of Waiting

Additionally, the financial implications of stucco neglect are considerable. What starts as a minor crack, if left unattended, can escalate into a major repair project, demanding substantial financial resources. The longer the repair is postponed, the more extensive and costly it becomes. Procrastination in stucco repair is akin to playing a perilous game with one’s finances, inviting a financial storm that could have been averted with timely intervention.

Beyond the specter of danger and financial strain, stucco repair offers a plethora of benefits. One of the primary advantages lies in the insulation properties of stucco. Properly maintained stucco acts as an excellent insulator, regulating indoor temperatures and reducing energy consumption. This not only translates into lower utility bills but also contributes to environmental conservation by decreasing the demand for energy resources.

Extending Your Investment

Furthermore, stucco repair enhances the longevity of a building. Just as a stitch in time saves nine, a repair in time can add years, if not decades, to the life of a structure. Regular maintenance, including prompt stucco repair, is akin to providing a building with the elixir of longevity, ensuring it stands tall against the test of time.

Keeping on top of stucco repair and maintenance is critical. It’s a process that weaves together the elements of safety, aesthetics, and financial prudence. Neglecting this essential aspect is akin to inviting disaster into our homes. Don’t wait for the cracks to deepen and the damages to escalate. Instead, be proactive in your approach, tending to the needs of your buildings with care and dedication. In these conscientious efforts, we not only preserve the physical structure but also nurture the sense of security and pride that our homes bestow upon us. To schedule your consultation for stucco repair today, get in touch with Ram Builders Stucco & Exteriors.

Stucco is a gorgeous option for any home’s exterior. It’s durable and attractive, making it a wise choice throughout Utah. Even with stucco’s amazing quality, it is still susceptible to the forces of nature. Utah’s winter has been intense to say the least, especially if you live in the northern area of the state. The Great Salt Lake and all our other bodies of water will be grateful for the heavy snowpack come summertime, but our homes may not love it so much. Many homes across the Wasatch Front are likely to experience some sort of water damage from the melting snow, but we’re here to help.

Signs of Water Damage

Stucco resists moisture, but there is certainly a tipping point. If you notice bumps on the surface, those are early signs of water damage. If you don’t treat these areas quickly, your stucco can delaminate, which causes pieces to fall off. Once these pieces fall off, it exposes areas underneath the stucco, allowing more water to get in and more damage to occur. Sometimes this damage can lead to dry rot, which is usually an extensive and costly repair. If you notice bumps on your stucco, don’t attempt to simply patch it up unless you know for certain it will treat the whole problem. Rather, contact our professionals for an assessment and a moisture test. A professional knows what to look for to ensure you’re getting to the root of the problem. Often, the moisture is coming in from somewhere completely different than where the issue is visible, and in order to repair it correctly, the work needs to take place at the source. A proper assessment ensures the damage is treated at the root cause, so the same problem doesn’t occur over and over again.

Water Damage Solutions

In addition to fixing the cosmetic damage, a proper remedy may include the application of a drainage plane material to prevent more water from entering, the application of a vapor barrier to prevent vapor migration, improving sealant or implementing additional sealant, patching the areas where stucco has fallen off or is loose and cracking, and/or modifying weep screeds to ensure water is draining properly. Depending on the severity of the issue, one or all solutions could be required. Because of possible hidden issues, an expert is best for these repairs.

Costs of Water Damage

Repair costs will depend heavily on the extent of water damage and what materials will be needed. The good news is that often these repairs can be covered by your homeowner’s insurance. If you have a flood insurance policy, you’re likely doubly covered. If you notice any damage on your stucco, even if it’s slight, don’t delay. Get us out to your property for an assessment and tackle the issue before it becomes a major ordeal. Sometimes stucco can be damaged so badly, the only solution is replacement. We can help determine the best approach for your situation. Keep a lookout on your property while all this snow is melting and reach out to us with any concerns—even those beyond stucco.

Building your dream home or remodeling should be a positive experience. The contractor you choose will be one of the most important decisions you make on this journey. Your contractor should be excited to assist you in making your dream a reality. When you’re assessing contracting companies, here are some red flags to look out for:

  1. Contract issues – A good contractor will have you sign a contract that is clear and fair. This protects them, which shows they care about their employees, but it also protects you, which shows they care about your relationship. The contract shouldn’t be confusing or rushed, and if you have questions, they should answer them honestly.
  2. A very low estimate – Some contactors give estimates that sound too good to be true just to get work. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go with a lower bid, it just means to ask about the quality of their products and workmanship, to read their credentials and references, and to make sure they know your expectations.
  3. They ask you to handle the permits – Getting the permits for your project is their responsibility. They should get all the permitting handled before they start the project.
  4. No proof of insurance – A good contractor should be insured to protect their employees and their clients. If they can’t prove they have insurance or they expect you to be liable in any accidents, this is not good practice.
  5. Cutting corners – Make sure your contactor doesn’t take shortcuts or buy inferior materials. Ensure they follow codes and the guidelines necessary for your project. We know no one likes to be stuck in construction mode for too long, but a rushed job is much worse.
  6. Their homes haven’t lasted – If you’ve seen their work and it hasn’t held up, chances are they aren’t providing quality work with quality products.
  7. Poor communication – Your contractor should be reasonably available to you and your calls. If you’re brushed aside or feeling like a constant bother to your contractor, they’re not treating your job as a priority. Be sure they’re communication is honest, clear, and open.
  8. Large upfront payments – Most contractors require an upfront payment, but if it’s more than about 20% of the job, that’s a bad sign. Also, if they only deal in cash, that may be a red flag.
  9. Their job site is not maintained – If they’re working in a mess and it’s looking hazardous, that’s a sign of sloppiness, but more seriously it means they may not be following OSHA guidelines for safe practices.
  10. Poor reviews and complaints – Check online reviews and make sure the good reviews far outweigh the bad. If they don’t have any reviews to show, ask them. If they won’t provide any, be wary. You can also check the BBB to see if there are unresolved complaints against the contractor.

At RAM Builders Stucco and Exteriors, we take pride in our ethical practices and always strive to achieve exactly what our clients have envisioned. For quality work, reach out to us today.

With home prices high and a hot seller’s market, it may be tempting to put your house on the market right now. We want to present you with a few reasons to stay put rather than sell. There are many things to consider before moving, so if you’re on the fence right now, read this before making any decisions.

Customize Your Current Home

Unless you’re planning on a custom build, buying another home will probably not come with everything on your checklist. Choosing to remodel or upgrade your current home can tick off your entire checklist and get all your needs into a new design. Many people choose to move simply because they don’t love the curb appeal of their home. It’s important that you love the exterior of your home, and even if you feel limited with your current structure, an expert exterior company can show you options you probably never thought were possible.

Stay in the Neighborhood You Love

Many of us get attached to our neighborhood and location. If this is you and you want a more functional home but love where you are, consider a remodel. You don’t have to leave your community or force your kids to say goodbye to their friends if you redo the parts of your home that are crucial to your happiness. If you’re in an older home and want it to look more modern, there are many upgrades you can do that are cost-effective and will increase your home’s value.

Add Value to Your Home

Most remodels and upgrades will add value to your home. This is only true if they’re high-quality and professional jobs. You’ve likely paid down your home over the years already and updating your home in smart ways will build equity and increase the overall value of the home. With such a large investment as a home, you want to make sure you’re remodeling projects are done with care and precision to maximize your ROI. Exterior remodels need extra care because if something is done improperly, leaking can occur and cause damage to the inside of the home as well.

You Don’t Have to Move All Your Stuff

For many of us, moving isn’t the most enjoyable process. Plus, moving expenses can get high quickly, from minor necessary improvements in your current home to make it appealing to buyers to hiring a moving company to help you out. Rather, put these costs that you can’t recoup back into the asset that is your home. Avoid the hassle of moving by improving the home you currently have.

Sentimental Reasons

Your memories are what makes a house a home. You’ve probably had some good and bad times in your home, and it may be hard to leave that all behind. If you feel an attachment to your home and are struggling with the thought of saying goodbye to those memories, consider options for remodeling and upgrades. We can get tied emotionally to a home, and it often feels good to put money into making it nicer for us and future generations.


American Architectural Manufacturers Associationexterior home remodel and repair contractorHome Builders AssociationMember NFIBAWCI member