Stucco has always been highly respected for its ability to provide both visual appeal and long-lasting protection to any home. Its attractiveness has stood the test of time, and it has always been loved by people. As the icy pull of winter begins to relax its grip and is replaced by the vivacious spirit of spring, homeowners frequently shift their focus to renewing their living spaces through the implementation of interesting home improvement projects. Not only can a stucco makeover that is well executed improve the aesthetic appeal of your property, but it may also strengthen its protection against the weather.

Evaluating Your Home's Exterior for Springtime Stucco Repairs

Spring is an ideal time to evaluate any necessary stucco repairs, as it provides the perfect climate to maintain the durability and aesthetic appeal of your home's façade. Seasonal temperature changes can result in expansion and contraction, which can occasionally lead to cracks or deterioration in stucco. An extensive examination can uncover areas that may require focus, preventing small flaws from escalating into significant structural issues.

Cracking is a highly noticeable indication of stucco damage. Although small hairline cracks are quite common and usually not a cause for concern, it's important to be aware of larger and deeper cracks. These can be a sign of more significant problems like structural movement or improper installation.

Trending Stucco Textures and Colors for the Season

Enhancing your home's landscaping with stucco updates involves creating a seamless integration of textures, colors, and design elements that elevate the beauty of both the natural and man-made aspects of your property. Blend the lines and patterns of your stucco seamlessly with the landscaping. For example, horizontal stucco bands can mirror the linear shape of a well-maintained garden, while swirls and other abstract textures can enhance the look of more organic planting arrangements.

With the help of modern technology, you can achieve a wide range of finishes, ranging from smooth and sleek to rugged and rustic. The color choices for this season encompass earthy shades that blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment, along with vibrant and eye-catching hues that can make your home truly distinctive within your community. 

When it comes to bringing these stucco renovations to life, hiring the right professionals is absolutely essential. It's crucial to find highly skilled craftsmen with extensive experience in stucco application and repair. Prioritizing their qualifications, checking references from previous projects, and ensuring they are licensed and insured should be your main focus. Inquiring about their knowledge of current trends and materials can give you a better understanding of their expertise and their ability to achieve the desired outcome for your home renovation.

With home prices high and a hot seller’s market, it may be tempting to put your house on the market right now. We want to present you with a few reasons to stay put rather than sell. There are many things to consider before moving, so if you’re on the fence right now, read this before making any decisions.

Customize Your Current Home

Unless you’re planning on a custom build, buying another home will probably not come with everything on your checklist. Choosing to remodel or upgrade your current home can tick off your entire checklist and get all your needs into a new design. Many people choose to move simply because they don’t love the curb appeal of their home. It’s important that you love the exterior of your home, and even if you feel limited with your current structure, an expert exterior company can show you options you probably never thought were possible.

Stay in the Neighborhood You Love

Many of us get attached to our neighborhood and location. If this is you and you want a more functional home but love where you are, consider a remodel. You don’t have to leave your community or force your kids to say goodbye to their friends if you redo the parts of your home that are crucial to your happiness. If you’re in an older home and want it to look more modern, there are many upgrades you can do that are cost-effective and will increase your home’s value.

Add Value to Your Home

Most remodels and upgrades will add value to your home. This is only true if they’re high-quality and professional jobs. You’ve likely paid down your home over the years already and updating your home in smart ways will build equity and increase the overall value of the home. With such a large investment as a home, you want to make sure you’re remodeling projects are done with care and precision to maximize your ROI. Exterior remodels need extra care because if something is done improperly, leaking can occur and cause damage to the inside of the home as well.

You Don’t Have to Move All Your Stuff

For many of us, moving isn’t the most enjoyable process. Plus, moving expenses can get high quickly, from minor necessary improvements in your current home to make it appealing to buyers to hiring a moving company to help you out. Rather, put these costs that you can’t recoup back into the asset that is your home. Avoid the hassle of moving by improving the home you currently have.

Sentimental Reasons

Your memories are what makes a house a home. You’ve probably had some good and bad times in your home, and it may be hard to leave that all behind. If you feel an attachment to your home and are struggling with the thought of saying goodbye to those memories, consider options for remodeling and upgrades. We can get tied emotionally to a home, and it often feels good to put money into making it nicer for us and future generations.

Stucco is a popular choice for exteriors in Utah. If you’re building a home and are narrowing down the many exterior options or looking to renovate your current stucco, you may be struggling to pick a style for your stucco’s finish. Here’s a quick low down of the different finish options to help you make your decision:

Dash Finish: This finish is also called Roughcast. It’s one of the most popular options throughout Utah, and a great choice for any style of home. It looks a little like textured, small gravel and you can choose from light to dense in terms of coarseness depending on your preferences.

Skip-trowel Finish: This finish is also called Spanish Lace. It’s another popular finish found throughout Utah and looks lovely with the two-coat process with a forgiving texture. It hides imperfections well and ranges from fine to coarse in pattern.

Santa Barbara Finish: This is a smooth-style finish that is a little difficult to apply but looks amazing. It’s highly customizable and is easy to clean. Adding color to this style can be done directly to the wall and gives it a mottled look. Maintenance is a bit higher with this stucco finish, but the beautiful finished look may be worth it.

Cat Face Finish: This finish is also called Montalvo or California. You will recognize this finish by its overall smoothness with patches of rough areas that can range from small to large. The method is done with two layers—the first layer is a rough coat and the second is the smooth coat that is applied in a way that allows the rough undercoat to randomly show through.

English Finish: This is one of oldest stucco techniques and it’s easy to pick out. The look is a heavily brushed finish and shows like large paint strokes. This style looks great on older, historic homes and is a very durable, classic option.

Sand Finish: This finish is also called Float. It is slightly similar to dash finishes but it’s more delicate, creating a finer textured look. You’ve likely seen this finish on businesses because they repair well and hide imperfections, but they’re also great on homes with large areas of stucco sections.

Worm Finish: Worms may not sound appealing, so let’s call this groove or swirl finishing. These indentations create a unique look on your home and pairs well with siding. It’s not the most popular choice, but that doesn’t mean it looks bad—stand out from the crowd with this option. It’s done by hand and is time consuming, but with a professional service like RAM Builders and Stucco, you can be sure the job is done right.

Smooth Finish: This creamy and beautiful finish style is the most complex of these options. You’ll want an expert to complete this task. Color choices are endless and look beautiful on the smooth surface. It’s a high-end look that will turn heads. However, it is difficult to patch when cracks occur, so you’ll want to be prepared for maintenance needs for this one.

For any stucco task, our experts can help. Reach out to us for a free estimate.


American Architectural Manufacturers Associationexterior home remodel and repair contractorHome Builders AssociationMember NFIBAWCI member