Repair Santa’s Landing Pad Before Christmas

Go to sleep Christmas Eve confident that Santa’s sleigh won’t crash through your rooftop. Utah’s winters are harsh on our homes, and the roof takes on a heavy toll. From wind to heavy, wet snow to freezing temperatures, your roof needs to be in tip-top shape. When that sleigh makes a clatter, you don’t want to see that a failing roof was the matter. Roof repairs and replacements should only be performed by highly trained workers. It’s common for people to repair roofs with replacing shingles only but a strong roof goes far beyond shingles.

Roof Underlayment

Underneath those pretty shingles is roof underlayment, which is a barrier material installed before shingles that protects the inside of your home. Usually, the material consists of step sheathing, OSB (boards made from ground wood stands with wax and adhesive), or plywood. No matter how great the installation of your shingles is, the roof underlayment should be installed properly to prevent leaks. This is not the place to cut corners. If you have a roof leak and you’ve been told you only need to replace your shingles, this is likely a mistake. Leaking is often caused by poor roofing underlayment conditions and incorrectly installed flashings. With something as important as the cover protectant of your home, the roof is not the place to sacrifice quality work.

Your roof connects to many features of your home, such as rain gutters, chimneys, and exterior materials like stucco or siding. Care must be emphasized at these connection locations. This can only be done with a team of professionals who truly understand the different elements involved in these processes. Every connection is a chance for a leak. If you’re concerned about the condition of your roof, getting a thorough analysis from a reputable company will be your first step. It’s usually good to get a few bids and keep in mind, the lowest number is not always the wisest choice. You want a roofer that will be up front about their costs and know that they’ll do the job right, not fast and cheap. Santa should be able to stop on your roof for more than 20 years with a good roof installation with asphalt shingles. For metal roofs with proper underlayment, he can feel confident landing his reindeer on them for over 50 years.

Being Festive and Safe

Roofs are often being decked out this time of year with lights and décor. Falls from hanging lights hit over 14,000 last year. Before hanging those lights on your roof, take precautions like getting a new, quality ladder, and don’t hang them while it’s icy out. We generally don’t recommend you getting on top of the roof and walking around to find that perfect placement for Santa’s beacon. In addition to fall hazards, walking on asphalt shingles can damage them, so consider a professional if you really want something on your rooftop. You also want to be careful not to damage your home with staple scars or holes while hanging lights; instead use light clips as a safer alternative.


American Architectural Manufacturers Associationexterior home remodel and repair contractorHome Builders AssociationMember NFIBAWCI member